This picture is found in Gospel Teaching and Learning, the CES Handbook from the church. As you look at this picture and contemplate your relationship to our Savior this Christmas Season; ask yourself, "Where would I be in this picture?" How am I following my Savior Jesus Christ? The manual then says,
"He invited them to testify, and as they did, the Spirit touched their hearts...His purpose was to help them become converted through their service to others...In every setting, He was their example and mentor. He taught them to pray by praying with them. He taught them to love and serve by the way He loved and served them. He taught them how to teach His gospel by the way He taught it...This then, is your sacred calling--to teach as the Savior taught. As you do, the youth will give place in their hearts for the seed of the gospel to be planted, to swell, and to grow."
Thank you for your service in the Lord's kingdom in His Primary organization. Thank you for your example of the Savior's love to the children of our stake. As you go about this wonderful month of December in which we ponder more deeply about the Savior and His love, think about your relationship and where you are following. We thank you again for your love and devotion to the children of our stake and wish you all a Very Merry Christmas filled with the Savior's love and blessings.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
December Calendar
Dec 2 - 5 pm First Presidency Christmas Fireside
Dec 5 - 7 pm Ely Community Christmas Sing
Dec 6 - 6 pm Cub Round table
7 pm District Scout Committee
8 pm PPI with President Willes
Dec 25 - Merry Christmas
Sunday, November 11, 2012
November question of the month
Tonight was such a wonderful leadership meeting and I am glad to have been there and felt the spirit. As we were talking about teaching our precious children throughout the stake, I was thinking about what kind of teachers we need to be. So this is the question for this month: What kind of teachers does the Lord need us to be in these latter days? And please feel free to share your thoughts as well as any questions that you'd like to see here on our blog.
Also, please make sure to send me your contact people for each ward/branch. My email address is: scrappinmama AT me DOT com.
May the Lord be with you all as your serve Him.
Also, please make sure to send me your contact people for each ward/branch. My email address is: scrappinmama AT me DOT com.
May the Lord be with you all as your serve Him.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
November Presidency Message
Someone wise once said, "The most important word to anyone is their own name."
In the Handbook it says that among the duties of Primary Leaders is to "learn the children's names and become familiar with their talents, interests, and challenges." By doing this, it goes on to say, "They (can then) look for ways to strengthen children individually and help them participate in Primary."
The children of our day are choice spirits of our Heavenly Father who have been chosen to come at these trying times to prepare for our Savior's second coming. Because of this, they will (and do) face extraordinary challenges you and I may not have faced and can not fully understand. Primary may be one of the few safe harbors they have. As we support their families (their first safe harbor) may we remember the great influence we can have for good in their lives.
However, another wise person once said, "They won't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Getting to know them individually is a GREAT act of love. As their teachers, Primary Presidency, Music Leaders, and more know their names and call them by name, they will feel loved . Teaching no Greater Call teaches "As we show love for those we teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit" (p. 31). That love generated will invite the Spirit more fully into your Primaries.
Thank you for all you do, the time and effort you put into your calling, and the love you show God's children. We pray that the Lord will bless you and your homes for the sacrifices you give willingly.
November Calendar
District Scout Committee 7 pm
3 Nov - McGill Ward Baptism 2 pm
11 Nov - Garrison Branch Presentation 9 am
Lund Presidency Training 5:25 pm
Stake Auxiliary Training 6 pm
13 Nov - Stake Council Meeting 7 pm
18 Nov - Lund Primary Program 9 am
27 Nov - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
1 Dec - Stake Baptism 2 pm
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October Presidency Message
As we have traveled through the wards and visited with each presidency, it has been our pleasure to see the love that the leaders show to the children of our stake. It is apparent that you love them and they love you. In turn, you are guiding these gentle souls back to Christ, which is our main goal in this life. The handbook tells us in section 3.1 that "All Church leaders are called to help other people become true followers of...Jesus Christ." We are seeing this happen in our stake.
We want to thank you for the service you give and pray the Lord will bless you for this service. We would quote Paul's words to the Roman people (with a few changes), "To all that be in (Primary in the Ely, NV Stake), beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, (we) thank (our) God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of through out the (Stake). For God is (our) witness, whom (we) serve with (our) spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing (we) make mention of you always in (our) prayers." (Romans 1:7-9).
We want to thank you for the service you give and pray the Lord will bless you for this service. We would quote Paul's words to the Roman people (with a few changes), "To all that be in (Primary in the Ely, NV Stake), beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. First, (we) thank (our) God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of through out the (Stake). For God is (our) witness, whom (we) serve with (our) spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing (we) make mention of you always in (our) prayers." (Romans 1:7-9).
We do pray for you, in thankfulness for your service, for your callings, for you families, and for your homes. THANKS!
Important Leadership Meetings Coming
We KNOW you are all busy...SO don't forget this upcoming VERY IMPORTANT DATE:
Stake Auxiliary Training 11 Nov.
All presidencies and music leaders are invited!
Thanks to everyone who helped with the activity day. It was a great success. The children learned that they are truly, "Daughters of a King." Heard how to prepare for young womens. And passed off goals in the Faith in God in all four areas. Here are a few fun pictures from the event.
Luncheon and beautiful decorations
Girls learned about talents and created picture frames to put a picture of them and their mom in.
"Daughters of a King"
They created picture journals for church
They tied 3 quilts for special needs children at David E. Normal Elementary
They played hop-scotch and received Article of Faith cards to help them memorize the Articles of Faith.
Monday, October 1, 2012
October Calendar
4 Oct - 6pm Cub Roundtable
7 pm District Scouts
6-7 Oct - General Conference
13 Oct - 10am -12 Stake Activity Day
14 Oct - 9 am 1st Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
20 Oct - 7 pm Stake Conference (Adult Meeting)
21 Oct - 10 am Stake Conference
23 Oct - 6 pm Stake Primary Presidency Meeting
28 Oct - 11 am 2nd Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
3 Nov - 2 pm Stake Baptism
11 Nov - 6 pm Stake Auxiliary Training
18 Nov - 9 am Lund Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
7 pm District Scouts
6-7 Oct - General Conference
13 Oct - 10am -12 Stake Activity Day
14 Oct - 9 am 1st Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
20 Oct - 7 pm Stake Conference (Adult Meeting)
21 Oct - 10 am Stake Conference
23 Oct - 6 pm Stake Primary Presidency Meeting
28 Oct - 11 am 2nd Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
3 Nov - 2 pm Stake Baptism
11 Nov - 6 pm Stake Auxiliary Training
18 Nov - 9 am Lund Ward Primary Sacrament Meeting
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Presidency Message Sept. Love is the KEY
The Sharing Time Theme for Sept. is "The Ten Commandments Teach me to Love God and His Children." The BEST way to teach anyone about love is to model it as YOU love THEM. The Sharing Time Outline reminds us of this when it says, "Look for opportunities to show love to each child. As you show love for those you teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit and more enthusiastic about learning (TNGC, 31)." Your example to the children is the best teaching tool you have. It is the way the Savior taught us. It is the way our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, has taught us by example and word when he said, "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." Remember, at a time when a child may seem difficult, is probably the time they need your love most of all. Jeffrey R. Holland gives us hope when he said, "If those (students) are unresponsive, maybe you can't teach them yet, but you can love them. And if you love them today, maybe you can teach them tomorrow." LOVE is the key. As we love them, they will feel the love of our Father and our Savior, and want to keep his commandments. Thank you for all the love you show the children of our stake!
Sept. Activity Calendar
Sept. 1 - Stake Baptism 2:00 pm
Sept. 6 - Round Table 6:00 pm
BSA District Meeting 7:00 pm
Sept. 15 - Pennies by the Inch
Sept. 23 - McGill Ward Sacrament Meeting
3rd Ward Sacrament Meeting
Sept. 29 - 2nd Ward Baptism 2:00 pm
Relief Society Social 4:00 pm
Relief Society Conference 6:00 pm
Oct. 6-7 - General Conference
Oct. 13 - Stake Activity Day 10-12
Oct. 14 - 1st Ward Sacrament Meeting
Oct. 28 - 2nd Ward Sacrament Meeting
Nov. 11 - Auxiliary Training Meeting 6:00 pm Nov. 18 - Lund Ward Sacrament Meeting
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Piano needed
Sister LeeAnn Terry,of the Garrison Branch, is looking for a piano so she can learn the primary songs at home. If anyone know of an available one, please call her at 435-855-2155. THANKS
Update on Teacher Training
WOW, this meeting was a ray of sunshine for anyone who came. Just one quote to let you know how the CES and General Authorities feel about your service. This is from Elder Boyd K. Packer, Senior member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.
"The attributes which it has been my choice privilege to recognize in you brethren and sisters over (the) years are no more nor less than the image of the Master Teacher showing through. I believe that to the degree you perform, according to the challenge and charge which you have, the image of Christ does become engraved upon your countenances. And for all practical purposes, in that classroom at that time and in that expression and with that inspiration, you are He and He is you."
From a prophet of the Lord. Thank you!
"The attributes which it has been my choice privilege to recognize in you brethren and sisters over (the) years are no more nor less than the image of the Master Teacher showing through. I believe that to the degree you perform, according to the challenge and charge which you have, the image of Christ does become engraved upon your countenances. And for all practical purposes, in that classroom at that time and in that expression and with that inspiration, you are He and He is you."
From a prophet of the Lord. Thank you!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Presidency Message: Advocates for God's Little Children
Primary workers, thank you for all you do in serving the Lord's littlest children. As we have visited, we see the dedication and love that you serve with. Please take the time to reread Chapter 3 of the Handbook which teaches us to minister to others. 3.2.3 ""Like the Savior, leaders seek to minister to individuals and families, both spiritually and temporally. They care about each person, not just about managing an organization....remember their over them...strengthen their faith 'one by one' as the Savior did." You have been given a sacred responsibility to watch over the most precious, pure, and defenseless of his children on Earth. Be the advocate for this young children the Savior would be.
In 3 Nephi 17:24 the Lord ministered to the little ones and called down angels to help minister. "And they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they can down and encircles those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angles did minister unto them." Today, as the Savior himself can not be here with us, he has called you to be those angles to minister to his precious ones. We appreciate you. We realize the magnitude of your chosen calling, and are grateful for your service. May God bless you, your homes, and your primary.
August Calendar

11 - Stake Teacher Training - 9 am to 3 pm
12 - Garrison Branch visit - 9 am
22 - Teachers back to school
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Stake Teaching Training with CES
We hope you all can come!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Cubs and Scouts
July Presidency Message
What a wonderful time to live on this Earth. We are truly blessed to live on Earth now, during this preparatory period for the Lord's second coming, and to live in this free nation. This land was set apart and prepared for many things. Lehi was told, "ye...shall be led to a land of promise; yea, even a land which I have prepared for you; yea, a land which is choice above all other lands (1 Nephi 2:20)." His descendants left a great record for us in these latter-days, that of the Book of Mormon. Later, gentiles were brought here that the gospel might be restored. We are told in 1 Nephi, Chapter 13, such events as Columbus coming to America, the bible being brought, and the use of the Bible and Book or Mormon together. to bring back lost truths. Additionally, a blessing was left upon this land, "that whosoever should believe in this gospel in this land might have eternal life; Yeah that it might be free unto all of whatsoever nation kindered, tongue, or people they may be (D&C 10: 49-50)." As you enjoy the 4th and remember freedom claimed by this nation, and the 24th to celebrate those faithful pioneers who laid the foundation for the Lord's world wide church, please don't forget to give thanks for the blessing you are so privileged to enjoy.
You are in our prayers of thankfulness.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
July Calendar
4 - Independence Day
7 - Stake Baptism 2:00
8 - 2nd Ward Visit
14 - 1, 3, Lund Youth Temple Trip
15 - 3rd Ward Visit
18-21 - Lund Pioneer Day Celebrations
22 - McGill Ward Visit
Pioneer Day Concert from SLC - 5 pm
24 - Pioneer Day
29 - Lund Ward Visit
Aug 12 - Garrison Ward Visit
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Songs of the Heart
Thank you to all our music specialists who work so hard. The Sharing Time Manual tells us:
"The purpose of music in Primary is to teach the children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it. Primary songs make learning more enjoyable, help children learn and remember gospel truths, and invite the Spirit into Primary."
It is my belief more teaching and learning occurs in primary during singing time than just about any other time. Plus, it is a great way for the children to bear testimony. In D&C 25:12 tells us:
"For my soul delighteth in the song of the hear; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me."
If we don't say it enough....THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!
Cammie Briggs - 2nd Counselor
"The purpose of music in Primary is to teach the children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it. Primary songs make learning more enjoyable, help children learn and remember gospel truths, and invite the Spirit into Primary."
It is my belief more teaching and learning occurs in primary during singing time than just about any other time. Plus, it is a great way for the children to bear testimony. In D&C 25:12 tells us:
"For my soul delighteth in the song of the hear; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me."
If we don't say it enough....THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!
Cammie Briggs - 2nd Counselor
"Cubstruction" Cub Scout Day Camp
Cub Scout Day Camp June 30 at Mc Gill Park and Pool. DON'T forget this great even. Put it on your calendar TODAY!11 Year Old Scout Camp
Don't forget to put 11 Year Old Scout Camp on your calendars. It is June 21 at Camp Success. All Leaders should attend Round Table this month to finalize and get details.
Eat breakfast at home OR come earlier and cook your breakfast up there. Be sure to at Camp Success for the Flag Ceremony at 8:00 am. Plan to work on 2nd class and 1st class cooking by bringing your own lunch and dinner items to cook. During the day, the boys will work on progress toward rank advancement. The Fireside ceremony and program will conclude the days activities and Scouts will return home that night.
Scout leaders, please remember a few things: Primary Presidencies are invited to attend. Do not combine 11-year old Unit Patrols, even if your unit has one boy. Your Unit Patrols may meet together occasionally for special events. FINALLY, don't forget all scout activities should BEGIN with FAITH IN GOD. If you revolve your scouts around this idea, the Lord will bless your program.
Eat breakfast at home OR come earlier and cook your breakfast up there. Be sure to at Camp Success for the Flag Ceremony at 8:00 am. Plan to work on 2nd class and 1st class cooking by bringing your own lunch and dinner items to cook. During the day, the boys will work on progress toward rank advancement. The Fireside ceremony and program will conclude the days activities and Scouts will return home that night.
Scout leaders, please remember a few things: Primary Presidencies are invited to attend. Do not combine 11-year old Unit Patrols, even if your unit has one boy. Your Unit Patrols may meet together occasionally for special events. FINALLY, don't forget all scout activities should BEGIN with FAITH IN GOD. If you revolve your scouts around this idea, the Lord will bless your program.
Presidency Message
Thank you again for all your service in the Lord’s
Kingdom. As we travel the wards of this
stake the Lord’s Spirit can be felt in each of your wards as you serve his
small children. We have every confidence
in your abilities and the fact that the Lord will guide and direct you as you
turn to Him for guidance and council.
This month’s Sharing Time focuses on "Choosing the
Right" through gospel principles such as:
Prayer, Tithing, the Word of Wisdom, and Dressing Modestly. Remember as you are teaching these principles
if you (1) Define the principle being taught, (2) Encourage understanding
through activities, and (3) Encourage application of the principle, your primary
children will learn more. The most
important principles to remember, however, is to “Invite the Spirit: As you teach with the Spirit, the Holy Ghost
will bear witness of the truthfulness of the gospel principles you are
teaching.” Thank you for inviting that
Spirit. We can testify it IS there as we
have visited. May the Lord bless you for
your diligence toward teaching in His kingdom and your love for His children.
June Dates
2 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
3 - 3rd Ward Scout Court of Honor
7 - Round table 6
Scout District Meeting 7
10 - Stake Priesthood Leadership Training 6
11-16 - Girl's Camp
20-23 - Scout Camp
21 - 11 Year old Scout Camp - Camp Success
30 - Cub Scout Day Camp - McGill Park/Pool
3 - 3rd Ward Scout Court of Honor
7 - Round table 6
Scout District Meeting 7
10 - Stake Priesthood Leadership Training 6
11-16 - Girl's Camp
20-23 - Scout Camp
21 - 11 Year old Scout Camp - Camp Success
30 - Cub Scout Day Camp - McGill Park/Pool
Sunday, April 29, 2012
May Events Calendar
May 3 - Roundtable 6 pm
District Scout Meeting 7 pm
May 5 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
May 18-19 - Father & Son's Outing
May 20 - Seminary Graduation 6 pm
May 22 - Stake Council
May 31 - Last Day of School
Lund Graduation 1 pm
WPHS Graduation 6 pm
Graduation party 9 pm
June 2 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Stake Auxiliary Training
Don't forget the Auxiliary Training meeting on April 22 at 6:00. Come visit with Stake Leaders and hear from our NEW Stake Presidency.
As Primary Leaders we will be talking about Scouting, Singing Time, Sharing Time, Blog Site, and sharing ideas from each ward.
From our visits with other primaries during ward conferences in January and February we learned many GREAT ideas that our wards need to share with one another to help strengthen and encourage them in their efforts to help the Lord's sons and daughters in our Primary.
Refreshments will be served.
Priesthood Preview
Put Sunday the 15th on your calendar for the Stake Priesthood Preview. The purpose of this meeting is to help our young 11 year old men:
Don't miss this FUN, inspiring activity. Refreshments will be served!
- develop a mind that learns
- find a spirit that burns
- cultivate a heart that turns to the Savior.
Don't miss this FUN, inspiring activity. Refreshments will be served!
April Calendar
5 - Round Table 6:00
7 - Disctict Scout Committee Meeting 7:00S
8 - EASTER Sunday
15 - Aaronic Priest Hood Preview 6:00
19 - Scout Pre-Camporee Training 6:00 YW Room
21 - Women's Conference
22 - Stake Auxillary Training 6:00
27 - Stake Pinewood Derby 6:00
27-28 - Spring Scout Camporee
7 - Disctict Scout Committee Meeting 7:00S
8 - EASTER Sunday
15 - Aaronic Priest Hood Preview 6:00
19 - Scout Pre-Camporee Training 6:00 YW Room
21 - Women's Conference
22 - Stake Auxillary Training 6:00
27 - Stake Pinewood Derby 6:00
27-28 - Spring Scout Camporee
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Presidency's Message
April 1 came with many blessings and a few surprises. Despite the chilly weather, we feel warmed by the testimonies and counsel we received from President Monson and the First Presidency as well as apostles and many other Church leaders.
We rejoice with you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We testify that Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. His infinite Atonement and glorious resurrection bless every aspect of our lives now and forever. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
He is the light and life of the world. He offers us peace; not the peace the world offers, but divine peace in His Father's house.
May we enjoy the blessings of this Easter season, centering our lives on Him whose birth, atonement, and resurrection we honor, even Jesus Christ, our Savior and Friend.
We rejoice with you in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We testify that Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. His infinite Atonement and glorious resurrection bless every aspect of our lives now and forever. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
He is the light and life of the world. He offers us peace; not the peace the world offers, but divine peace in His Father's house.
May we enjoy the blessings of this Easter season, centering our lives on Him whose birth, atonement, and resurrection we honor, even Jesus Christ, our Savior and Friend.
Rolayne, Shauna, Cammie, Kaylene
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Presidency's Message
March came so fast, it caught us by surprise. We enjoyed visiting you and your Primary children for your ward and branch conferences. We delight in seeing the strength of the children of the Ely Nevada Stake. They have testimonies of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. They know who they are. They know the scriptures are true. They know how to make wise choices. They feel the Spirit testify of all things true and good. Thank you for helping them become righteous children of God.
Our stake theme this year, "Holiness of Heart," reminds each of us to turn to our Father in Heaven and receive His council as we serve His children. As we listened to President Pitts share his vision for our stake, we felt the Spirit testify to us that, if we harken to his words and apply them in our lives, we will be able to accomplish everything the Lord has asked us to do.
With you, we strive with unwearied dilligence and holiness of heart to:
- develop a mind that learns and obeys our Father's will.
- find a spirit that burns with the truth.
- cultivate a heart that turns to the Savior.
- prepare a soul to earn all our Father's blessings, now and forever.
We pray that we will all enjoy the blessings of obedience, service, and righteous living. Please know how much we love you and pray for you. We appreciate your faithful service in the Kingdom of God on earth.
With love,
Rolayne, Shauna, Cammie, and Kaylene
Sunday, February 12, 2012
February Ward Conferences
February started off wonderfully with Lund's Ward Conference.
2-12-2012 Lund Ward
Thank you to all of the Primary leaders in the Lund Ward. It is very evident that the Lund Primary is functioning as a support to wonderful families that teach their children the gospel and help them understand the Spirit. Three of the great and unique things that Lund did were: (1) First their ward program for sacrament meeting had a special box for Primary. It listed the theme, scripture and then broke Jr. and Sr. Primary into talks, scriptures, and prayers with children's assignments for the entire month. What a great way to remind parents and children of their opportunities. (2) The Primary room was colorfully decorated and upon entry there was NO DOUBT it was a welcoming room for children of all ages. They not only had a bulletin board that was decorated, but had CTR themed ideas on all bulletin boards, above the bulletin board, above the windows, and in the hall on the doors to all primary classes. These beautifully colored decorations invited the spirit and taught the children principles they had been learning through the months. (3) A special "Reverence" area was made in the room. Above it it said "A Tail of Reverence" and housed the book "Monday I Was a Monkey." A beautiful book about reverence on Sunday's and making good choices through the week. They had read the book as a primary and children could earn reverence monkeys to place on the wall after Jr. and Sr. Sharing Time as they practiced reverence. THANKS Lund for all you do in the Lord's kingdom for His children.
2-19-2012 McGill Ward
Thanks to all the wards who work so diligently. McGill was NO exception. It was hard to just choose three ideas to share they had so many great ones, but here goes. (1) They really had been using their choice and consequence stick and it showed. Even the Sunbeams understood what a consequence was and that it is "attached" to our choices. Their CUTE twist to this was first, they had it placed above the white board in the front. It is now a permanent fixture in their room. It is right up front for everyone to see weekly and easy to reach when needed. Second, they created a "mini" stick with a pencil and words. This was passed around like a hot potato while they were learning a new song. When stopped a person had to offer a good choice with its good consequence. Even the youngest could do this task. (2) They used roll play (one suggestion in the Sharing Time Outline). They had created "costumes" they could reuse on a regular basis to act out ANY scripture story. They took pieces of red, yellow, and blue fabric (primary colors), cut them in 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 feet rectangles with holes for heads in the center and belted them with pieces of fabric. Children were given paper name tags the could change as the scripture story changes. Jr. Primary the Sharing time leader narrated as needed while Sr. Primary was given scripts and allowed to act the story out. REALLY FUN! (3) Jr. and Sr. Primary helped one another learn songs even when they weren't in the same room. Jr. Primary made up the motions for a new song while Sr. Primary was given pieces of paper with the words on the bottom of a line of the song. They children then drew the visuals to be used in Jr. Primary to help them learn. Children REALLY learned the songs after creating, teaching, and then practicing the song repeatedly. Thanks, McGill for such great ideas and for bringing our young Primary children to Christ through your love, efforts, and examples.
2-26-2012 Garrison Branch
No matter how small the unit our leaders are showing love and kindness to the young primary children of our stake and Garrison is no exception. Garrison had some WONDERFUL ideas to share. (1) They have a CUTE picture of a birthday cake they display each Sunday. It has candles below the cake with names of all the primary children. On the child's birthday month, their candle is put on the cake and remains throughout the month. What a GREAT way to make the children feel special all month long. (2) Children are really given ownership of their primary room. First, they set up and take down the chairs themselves. Second, one child is given the duty of writing on the chalk board the names of all children participating that day with their duty such as: prayer, song, scripture, or reverence child. This really helps them begin the day in a reverent mood and feel a part of their proceedings. (3) They had a fun time learning a new song with a little twist to visual aid cards. They had card but placed ALL on a cork board in order. Each card contained a visual reminder for the younger children and the song words at the bottom for the older children. By keeping it there the entire time it helped the children review and reflect. As they learned they then removed cards along the way for practice. Thank you, Garrison for all you do! It was a WONDERFUL day!
2-12-2012 Lund Ward
Thank you to all of the Primary leaders in the Lund Ward. It is very evident that the Lund Primary is functioning as a support to wonderful families that teach their children the gospel and help them understand the Spirit. Three of the great and unique things that Lund did were: (1) First their ward program for sacrament meeting had a special box for Primary. It listed the theme, scripture and then broke Jr. and Sr. Primary into talks, scriptures, and prayers with children's assignments for the entire month. What a great way to remind parents and children of their opportunities. (2) The Primary room was colorfully decorated and upon entry there was NO DOUBT it was a welcoming room for children of all ages. They not only had a bulletin board that was decorated, but had CTR themed ideas on all bulletin boards, above the bulletin board, above the windows, and in the hall on the doors to all primary classes. These beautifully colored decorations invited the spirit and taught the children principles they had been learning through the months. (3) A special "Reverence" area was made in the room. Above it it said "A Tail of Reverence" and housed the book "Monday I Was a Monkey." A beautiful book about reverence on Sunday's and making good choices through the week. They had read the book as a primary and children could earn reverence monkeys to place on the wall after Jr. and Sr. Sharing Time as they practiced reverence. THANKS Lund for all you do in the Lord's kingdom for His children.
2-19-2012 McGill Ward
Thanks to all the wards who work so diligently. McGill was NO exception. It was hard to just choose three ideas to share they had so many great ones, but here goes. (1) They really had been using their choice and consequence stick and it showed. Even the Sunbeams understood what a consequence was and that it is "attached" to our choices. Their CUTE twist to this was first, they had it placed above the white board in the front. It is now a permanent fixture in their room. It is right up front for everyone to see weekly and easy to reach when needed. Second, they created a "mini" stick with a pencil and words. This was passed around like a hot potato while they were learning a new song. When stopped a person had to offer a good choice with its good consequence. Even the youngest could do this task. (2) They used roll play (one suggestion in the Sharing Time Outline). They had created "costumes" they could reuse on a regular basis to act out ANY scripture story. They took pieces of red, yellow, and blue fabric (primary colors), cut them in 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 feet rectangles with holes for heads in the center and belted them with pieces of fabric. Children were given paper name tags the could change as the scripture story changes. Jr. Primary the Sharing time leader narrated as needed while Sr. Primary was given scripts and allowed to act the story out. REALLY FUN! (3) Jr. and Sr. Primary helped one another learn songs even when they weren't in the same room. Jr. Primary made up the motions for a new song while Sr. Primary was given pieces of paper with the words on the bottom of a line of the song. They children then drew the visuals to be used in Jr. Primary to help them learn. Children REALLY learned the songs after creating, teaching, and then practicing the song repeatedly. Thanks, McGill for such great ideas and for bringing our young Primary children to Christ through your love, efforts, and examples.
2-26-2012 Garrison Branch
No matter how small the unit our leaders are showing love and kindness to the young primary children of our stake and Garrison is no exception. Garrison had some WONDERFUL ideas to share. (1) They have a CUTE picture of a birthday cake they display each Sunday. It has candles below the cake with names of all the primary children. On the child's birthday month, their candle is put on the cake and remains throughout the month. What a GREAT way to make the children feel special all month long. (2) Children are really given ownership of their primary room. First, they set up and take down the chairs themselves. Second, one child is given the duty of writing on the chalk board the names of all children participating that day with their duty such as: prayer, song, scripture, or reverence child. This really helps them begin the day in a reverent mood and feel a part of their proceedings. (3) They had a fun time learning a new song with a little twist to visual aid cards. They had card but placed ALL on a cork board in order. Each card contained a visual reminder for the younger children and the song words at the bottom for the older children. By keeping it there the entire time it helped the children review and reflect. As they learned they then removed cards along the way for practice. Thank you, Garrison for all you do! It was a WONDERFUL day!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Singing in the Rain!
When the storms of life hit, you are either all wet OR singing in the's your choice.
Start getting ready for this years Stake Primary Musical Recital and Arts Performance Day coming:
Friday, March 16, 2012 at 6:00 in the Ely Stake Center cultural Hall.
Participants can sing, play a musical instrument, dance, or perform a reading that complies with our standards:
All performances should "teach children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it...make learning more enjoyable, help children learn and remember gospel truths, and invite the Spirit...(and) help express feelings that may be hard to express in words." (2012 Outline for Sharing Time, page 26)
WATCH FOR iinstructional materials to be given to Ward Primary Presidencies soon!
February Calendar
2 Feb - Scout Roundtable
3rd Ward Blue & Gold
4 Feb - Stake Baptism (1st Ward)
9 Feb - Scout District Meeting 7 pm
10 Feb - ScoutRecognition Dinner 6 pm
11 Feb - World Wide Leadership Training 2-4pm
12 Feb - Lunch Ward Conference
14 Feb - Valentine's Day
Stake Council
19 Feb - McGill Ward Conference
22 Feb - McGill Ward Blue & Gold 5:30
25 Feb - University of Scouting in Elko (all day)
26 Feb - Garrison Branch Conference
28 Feb - 1st Ward Blue & gold 6:00
3rd Ward Blue & Gold
4 Feb - Stake Baptism (1st Ward)
9 Feb - Scout District Meeting 7 pm
10 Feb - ScoutRecognition Dinner 6 pm
11 Feb - World Wide Leadership Training 2-4pm
12 Feb - Lunch Ward Conference
14 Feb - Valentine's Day
Stake Council
19 Feb - McGill Ward Conference
22 Feb - McGill Ward Blue & Gold 5:30
25 Feb - University of Scouting in Elko (all day)
26 Feb - Garrison Branch Conference
28 Feb - 1st Ward Blue & gold 6:00
Mark you Calendars!
Presidency's Message
As we ponder our 2012 stake scripture and goals, we testify that our Heavenly Father's loving kindness is real. He is mindful of each member of our stake. His Son, Jesus Christ, is the Redeemer. The Holy Ghost testifies of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and of the truth restored.
As members of the Primary organization, we will strive with unwearied diligence and holiness of heart to develop a mind that learns, find a spirit that burns, cultivate a heart that turns to the Savior, and prepare our soul to earn our Father's blessings.
We pray for you and the children you serve. We pray that you will receive revelation for your sacred stewardship and act upon it. We stand ready to ease your burdens and lighten your load. Please let us know how we can serve you.
Every act of love, kindness, and service you render is recorded in heaven. In the words of President George Albert Smith, "Let us evidence our appreciation for what the Lord has given us by serving Him, and we are serving Him when we do good to His children. Freely we have received, now freely give (see Matthew 10:8).
As members of the Primary organization, we will strive with unwearied diligence and holiness of heart to develop a mind that learns, find a spirit that burns, cultivate a heart that turns to the Savior, and prepare our soul to earn our Father's blessings.
We pray for you and the children you serve. We pray that you will receive revelation for your sacred stewardship and act upon it. We stand ready to ease your burdens and lighten your load. Please let us know how we can serve you.
Every act of love, kindness, and service you render is recorded in heaven. In the words of President George Albert Smith, "Let us evidence our appreciation for what the Lord has given us by serving Him, and we are serving Him when we do good to His children. Freely we have received, now freely give (see Matthew 10:8).
With love,
Rolayne, Shauna, Cammie, and Kaylene
Monday, January 16, 2012
January Ward Conference Reports:
As ward conferences are underway, we will provide you with the BEST ideas we saw in each ward! We hope that sharing these great ideas will help your own ward increase the Spirit of the Lord in your Primary as you teach children how to Choose the Right.
Ely 1st Ward (1-15-12)
The first ward had some GREAT ideas they were using with their primary children. The three best included: (1) A "Primary Song CD" that was given to each family. Their music leader, Sister Paula Moore, downloaded all songs they are practicing for this years primary program and put them on a CD. She then created a cute CD cover and gave each family a copy of all the songs to practice at home and use in Family Home Evening. (2) The next thing she did was create a typed "Song Lyric" sheet for each teacher of all the songs. This eliminated the problem of pulling out song books for teachers, instead they all had a one sheet piece of paper to keep in their binders with all the words on them. Teachers have ENOUGH to carry! (3) The final great idea was they took the time at the end of primary, as the parents were picking up children, to practice the articles of faith. The children remained in their seats and practiced an article of faith while waiting for parents to come get them. It eliminated a lot of confusion at the end of primary. GREAT JOB 1st ward. We hope these ideas help your ward.
Ely 2nd Ward (1-22-12)
The 2nd ward is really focusing on reverence and WOW does it show! Their large primary was extremely reverent and you could feel the Spirit as the children were taught. While they did some REALLY fun, learning activities, I have to focus on their reverence: (1) The entire ward is working toward reverence and a "reverence child" from the Primary was chosen to stand before the congregation in Sacrament Meeting. It really set the example and added to the Spirit of the meeting. (2) Second, they meet together as an entire Primary (and that was large) before splitting to classes. With a large number of Primary students you might expect some irreverence, but the meeting began with a quiet reverence song and you could feel the Spirit which influenced the children's behavior. (3) Finally, "wait time" was incorporated to increase reverence when needed. If Primary children got a little talkative, the Primary Leader would quietly say she was going to "wait" till they settled down before continuing the learning activity. Thanks 2nd ward for working to increase the reverence in your ward and Primary. It really added to the spirit and helped the children learn the lessons of sharing time and singing time, which were EXCELLENT.
Ely 3rd Ward (1-29-12)
here are just SOME of the great ideas from 3rd ward. (1) First, they had a wonderful idea for passing out assignments for the following week. The Secretary keeps a small form with boxes to check for scripture, talk, prayer, etc. She fills out the forms and then places them in the Primary "Mail Box." This cute mail box is up front and at the end of each Sharing Time Sesson and child is choosen to pass out the mail. It is a really fun way to engage all the young people as they excitedly wait to see if THEY will be next. (2) It was really apparent that the leaders loved and supported the chidlren of their ward and it was reflected in the children's behavior. First, a young sunbeam came in crying and stressed from the newness of primary. Teachers immediately sat by him, another child was chosen to sit by him also, he was included in everything including singing time, example of reverence child, and sharing time. He was constantly being praised for his good behavior and soon came to be very comfortable and had a great time. (3) Finally, the use of additional approved sources was also apparent in the meeting. During Jr. Sharing Time they used an article from the Friend, and during Sr. Sharing Time they used an article from the Ensign to continue teaching accountability for the month. These GREAT resources were used effectively, talked about to the children, and encouraged as a support at home for Family Home Evening. GREAT JOB 3rd ward. The Spirit of the Lord was evident in our teaching and love for the children of your ward.
Ely 1st Ward (1-15-12)
The first ward had some GREAT ideas they were using with their primary children. The three best included: (1) A "Primary Song CD" that was given to each family. Their music leader, Sister Paula Moore, downloaded all songs they are practicing for this years primary program and put them on a CD. She then created a cute CD cover and gave each family a copy of all the songs to practice at home and use in Family Home Evening. (2) The next thing she did was create a typed "Song Lyric" sheet for each teacher of all the songs. This eliminated the problem of pulling out song books for teachers, instead they all had a one sheet piece of paper to keep in their binders with all the words on them. Teachers have ENOUGH to carry! (3) The final great idea was they took the time at the end of primary, as the parents were picking up children, to practice the articles of faith. The children remained in their seats and practiced an article of faith while waiting for parents to come get them. It eliminated a lot of confusion at the end of primary. GREAT JOB 1st ward. We hope these ideas help your ward.
Ely 2nd Ward (1-22-12)
The 2nd ward is really focusing on reverence and WOW does it show! Their large primary was extremely reverent and you could feel the Spirit as the children were taught. While they did some REALLY fun, learning activities, I have to focus on their reverence: (1) The entire ward is working toward reverence and a "reverence child" from the Primary was chosen to stand before the congregation in Sacrament Meeting. It really set the example and added to the Spirit of the meeting. (2) Second, they meet together as an entire Primary (and that was large) before splitting to classes. With a large number of Primary students you might expect some irreverence, but the meeting began with a quiet reverence song and you could feel the Spirit which influenced the children's behavior. (3) Finally, "wait time" was incorporated to increase reverence when needed. If Primary children got a little talkative, the Primary Leader would quietly say she was going to "wait" till they settled down before continuing the learning activity. Thanks 2nd ward for working to increase the reverence in your ward and Primary. It really added to the spirit and helped the children learn the lessons of sharing time and singing time, which were EXCELLENT.
Ely 3rd Ward (1-29-12)
here are just SOME of the great ideas from 3rd ward. (1) First, they had a wonderful idea for passing out assignments for the following week. The Secretary keeps a small form with boxes to check for scripture, talk, prayer, etc. She fills out the forms and then places them in the Primary "Mail Box." This cute mail box is up front and at the end of each Sharing Time Sesson and child is choosen to pass out the mail. It is a really fun way to engage all the young people as they excitedly wait to see if THEY will be next. (2) It was really apparent that the leaders loved and supported the chidlren of their ward and it was reflected in the children's behavior. First, a young sunbeam came in crying and stressed from the newness of primary. Teachers immediately sat by him, another child was chosen to sit by him also, he was included in everything including singing time, example of reverence child, and sharing time. He was constantly being praised for his good behavior and soon came to be very comfortable and had a great time. (3) Finally, the use of additional approved sources was also apparent in the meeting. During Jr. Sharing Time they used an article from the Friend, and during Sr. Sharing Time they used an article from the Ensign to continue teaching accountability for the month. These GREAT resources were used effectively, talked about to the children, and encouraged as a support at home for Family Home Evening. GREAT JOB 3rd ward. The Spirit of the Lord was evident in our teaching and love for the children of your ward.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
January Presidency's Message
"Choose you this day whom ye will serve;
...but as for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15).
Dear Primary Presidencies,
We welcome 2012 and our opportunity to teach the children the importance of choosing the right. As our children learn to make wise choices, they will have a better understanding of our Father's Plan of Happiness and receive His blessings. They will come unto Christ by following His example. They will recognize the guidance of the Holy Ghost and desire to heed His promptings.
As you prayfully teach and love your Primary children, invite the Lord's Spirit to be with you. Testify often. Your Primary children will feel the Spirit testify to them. Enjoy your callings and have fun serving one another and your Primary children.
Thank you for your faithful service in our Heavenly Father's kingdom. Please let us know how we can serve you. We love you and pray for you always.
With love,
Rolayne Hanson, Shauna Nicholes, Cammie Briggs, Kaylene McVicars
Baptism Fireside 2012
Don't forget, the 2012 Primary Stake Baptism Fireside is Sunday, January 8 at 6 pm in the chapel. Call all parents of prospective baptismal candidates to remind them. Also, invite any other primary families that might want to attend. Don't miss this wonderful experience to help your primary children understand and look forward to the experience of baptism as they take upon themselves sacred covenants and enter into the Lord's Kingdom.
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hand for the gift of the Holy Ghost. ~ 4th Article of Faith
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We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hand for the gift of the Holy Ghost. ~ 4th Article of Faith
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January Calander
Jan 4 - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6 pm
Jan 5 - Roundtable 6 pm
Jan 7 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
Jan 8 - Stake Baptism Fireside 6pm
Jan 15 - 1st Ward Conference 9 am
Jan 22 - 2nd Ward Conference 11 am
Jan 29 - 3rd Ward Conference 1 pm
Calendar provided by:
Jan 5 - Roundtable 6 pm
Jan 7 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
Jan 8 - Stake Baptism Fireside 6pm
Jan 15 - 1st Ward Conference 9 am
Jan 22 - 2nd Ward Conference 11 am
Jan 29 - 3rd Ward Conference 1 pm
Calendar provided by:
2012 Manuals are now up under "Primary sites to explore"
The manuals are now changed to 2012 manuals on the left under "Primary sites to explore." Just click on your class age group to find your lesson plans.
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