Sunday, June 3, 2012

Songs of the Heart

Thank you to all our music specialists who work so hard.  The Sharing Time Manual tells us:

"The purpose of music in Primary is to teach the children the gospel of Jesus Christ and help them learn to live it.  Primary songs make learning more enjoyable, help children learn and remember gospel truths, and invite the Spirit into Primary."

It is my belief more teaching and learning occurs in primary during singing time than just about any other time.  Plus, it is a great way for the children to bear testimony.  In D&C 25:12 tells us:

"For my soul delighteth in the song of the hear;  yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me."

If we don't say it enough....THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!

Cammie Briggs - 2nd Counselor

"Cubstruction" Cub Scout Day Camp


Cub Scout Day Camp June 30 at Mc Gill Park and Pool.  DON'T forget this great even.  Put it on your calendar TODAY!

11 Year Old Scout Camp

Don't forget to put 11 Year Old Scout Camp on your calendars.  It is June 21 at Camp Success.  All Leaders should attend Round Table this month to finalize and get details. 

Eat breakfast at home OR come earlier and cook your breakfast up there.  Be sure to at Camp Success for the Flag Ceremony at 8:00 am.  Plan to work on 2nd class and 1st class cooking by bringing your own lunch and dinner items to cook.  During the day, the boys will work on progress toward rank advancement.  The Fireside ceremony and program will conclude the days activities and Scouts will return home that night.

Scout leaders, please remember a few things: Primary Presidencies are invited to attend. Do not combine 11-year old Unit Patrols, even if your unit has one boy. Your Unit Patrols may meet together occasionally for special events. FINALLY, don't forget all scout activities should BEGIN with FAITH IN GOD. If you revolve your scouts around this idea, the Lord will bless your program.

Presidency Message

Thank you again for all your service in the Lord’s Kingdom.  As we travel the wards of this stake the Lord’s Spirit can be felt in each of your wards as you serve his small children.  We have every confidence in your abilities and the fact that the Lord will guide and direct you as you turn to Him for guidance and council.

This month’s Sharing Time focuses on "Choosing the Right" through gospel principles such as:  Prayer, Tithing, the Word of Wisdom, and Dressing Modestly.  Remember as you are teaching these principles if you (1) Define the principle being taught, (2) Encourage understanding through activities, and (3) Encourage application of the principle, your primary children will learn more.  The most important principles to remember, however, is to “Invite the Spirit:  As you teach with the Spirit, the Holy Ghost will bear witness of the truthfulness of the gospel principles you are teaching.”  Thank you for inviting that Spirit.  We can testify it IS there as we have visited.  May the Lord bless you for your diligence toward teaching in His kingdom and your love for His children.
Cammie Briggs, 2nd Counselor

June Dates

2 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
3 - 3rd Ward Scout Court of Honor
7 - Round table 6
     Scout District Meeting 7
10 - Stake Priesthood Leadership Training 6
11-16 - Girl's Camp
20-23 - Scout Camp
21 - 11 Year old Scout Camp - Camp Success
30 - Cub Scout Day Camp - McGill Park/Pool