Tuesday, December 31, 2013

January Calendar

1 Jan - Happy New Year
2 Jan - Round Table 6 pm
            District Scout Committee 7 pm
            PPI with President Willes 8:15
4 Jan - 1st Ward Baptism
12 Jan - Stake Baptism FIRESIDE 6:00 pm
              McGill Ward Conference 9:00 am
              3rd Ward Conference 11:00 am
19 Jan - Lund Ward Conference 9:00 am
               1st Ward Conference 1:00 pm
26 Jan - Garrison Ward Conference 9:00 am
               2nd Ward Conference 9:00 am  
Jan 18 - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:30 pm

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Words of Councel from President Rolayne Hanson

President Hanson has asked the Primary leaders and Presidencies consider the following directions as they serve in their wards:
  • Your input is INVALUABLE in your ward councils
  • Presidencies, try to sit in front of the Primary Room as a presidency during Primary meeting.  The First Presidency models this during conferences.  We should follow their example.  We believe you will see blessings in reverence as you follow this council.
  • Pray for people who have no one else to pray for them this month and especially this Christmas season.

Baptism Fireside

All potential 8-year old baptism candidates.  You and your families are invited to the
  • Primary Stake Baptism Fireside

  • 12 Jan. 2014 6 pm

Also invited:  Primary Presidencies, Bishoprics, Teachers, Activity Day Leaders, Scout Leaders, and anyone who would like to share in the joy of these young peoples' decision to be baptized. 
  • Learn about baptism covenants.  
  • Hear from a recently baptized young person.  
  • Learn a baptism song.  
  • Receive a "My Baptism Book."  
  • Have yummy refreshments

December Calander

5 Dec - Round Table 6 pm
             District Scout Committee 7 pm
             PPI with President Willes 8:15
25 Dec - Merry Christmas
1 Jan - Happy New Year
2 Jan - Round Table 6 pm
            District Scout Committee 7 pm
            PPI with President Willes 8:15
4 Jan - Stake Baptism
12 Jan - Stake Baptism FIRESIDE 6:00 pm

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Presidency Message

Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you so much for the service you give to the young Primary children and families of this stake.  In the Handbook we are taught the importance of Councils.  Section 4 specifically deals with Ward Councils.  President Rolayne Hanson said, "You are such a great voice in our ward councils."  You ARE the voice for all the Primary Children in your ward.  Thank you for speaking up for the children and representing their needs in your councils.  The purposes of these councils are to "help individuals build testimonies, receive saving ordinances, keep covenants, and become consecrated followers of Jesus Christ."  What a great way to represent the young people as you represent them and their needs in your ward councils.

We wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas as we all consider the great gift of our Savior this Christmas season.  May the joy of this great holiday fill your homes and your hearts.  May the Lord bless you with the needs you have, based on your faithful service to Him.

Merry Christmas with much love and thankfulness,

Stake Primary Presidency:
Rolayne Hanson, President
Cammie Briggs, 1st Counselor
Shemayne Pitts, 2nd Counselor
Jodi Brandis, Secretary

Monday, October 28, 2013



This training meeting is for all WARD Presidencies and their music personnel!  We will meet at 6 pm with all stake leaders and break into auxiliaries. 

Theme:  As Children of God, We Answer the Savior's Call, "Come Follow Me."

We will receive a brief leadership message from President Rolayne Hansen, be introduced to next years theme and song, receive a special gift from the Stake Primary Presidency.  Then each ward will be given 5 minutes to share some of their most valuable successes.

It will be a wonderful meeting you will not want to miss.  THEN, stay and enjoy refreshments and socializing with members of our Stake.

We hope to see you all there!

November Presidency Message

We have had SO MANY great events to listen to the Lord's voice to each of us personally lately. 

FIRST, we had a WONDERFUL Women's Conference.  The messages reminded us to make and keep our covenants with the Lord to truly bless our lives for now and for etermity.

THEN, we had a FANTASTIC General Conference.  Messages were very diverse, ranging from having faith and believing, looking for the great blessings the Lord pours out upon us, missionary work, being personally converted, to much much more.  To read (or listen to) all messages before your Ensign comes out go to the LDS.org site.  (Just click there to go directly to the conference talks!)

FINALLY, we had the priviladge of hearing from your local authorities at Stake Conference.  We are truly blessed to be guided by our Savior Jesus Christ daily and have divine guidance from inspired leaders at a local and world level.  President Robert D. Hales of the quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, "In conferences we can receive the word of the Lord meant just for us" (October, 2013).  We could recount what was said, but he went on to say, "What is said is not as important as what we hear and what we feel." 

We would therefore encourage everyone to re-read conference, listen to it on the internet, or watch it on BYU-TV and find the messages our modern leaders have for YOU personally.  In the Doctrine and Covenants 1:38 it says, "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself...whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same." 

We testify that the Lord does speak to us today.  He speaks to each of us individually and as a church collectively though our modern leaders.  We add our testimony and admonition to President Hales when he said, " I promise you in His name that if you pray with a sincere desire to hear your Heavenly Father’s voice in the messages of this conference, you will discover that He has spoken to you to help you, to strengthen you, and to lead you home into His presence."

Click here to here his entire message.

Thank you for your service to our Father's children.  May He bless your families and efforts.

November Calendar

29 Oct - Service Project at 5 pm Louis Sandberg's home (Cubs and Scouts)
2 Nov - 2 pm  McGill Ward Baptism
7 Nov - 6 pm  Round Table (Youth Protection Training)
             7 pm  Dist Scout Committee
             8 pm  PPI with President Willes
10 Nov - 9 am  Garrison Primary Program
              11 am 1st Ward Primary Program
              5:30 pm  McGill Presidency Training at Stake Center
              6 pm Auxiliary Training
12 Nov -  7 pm  Stake Council
16 Nov - Scouting-4-Food
17 Nov - Errand of the Lord - Stake Primary Presidency
28 Nov - Happy Thanksgiving
30 Nov - 3rd Ward Baptism

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thank you to the Primary Children's Choir at Stake Conference

Thank you to all Primary Children who sang SO beautifully at the Stake Conference meeting.  You were SO REVERENT and added to the Spirit of the meeting.  It brought tears to MANY eyes.  Thanks also to our Stake Music Coordinator and 3rd Ward Primary Chorister and Pianist who took it upon themselves to help, practice, organize, and lead during the meeting.  It was SO WONDERFUL.  Truly a choir of little angels.

Daddy Daughter Dynamite Success

Thanks to everyone who helped make our Daddy Daughter night such a success!  Thanks to each of the wards for creating FUN activities each young girl and dad could pass off a goal in "Faith in God."  Thanks to our entertainments and speakers.  You really brought the Spirit and helped our young girls understand how much Heavenly Father loves them and trul is their Father.  Thanks to the Stake Presidency who helped and supported.  Thanks to all the Dads, Grandpas, Brothers, and Friends who took time out of their busy lives to come support their young girls.  Finally, a SPECIAL thanks to Vera Jones without whose help the evening would not have been such a success. 

To see just HOW much the men supported, go to the YouTube link and view their "performance" of  My Girl!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sept Presidency Message

 Sacrament programs are beginning.  It is wonderful to see what the children have learned through the year about being a Child of God.  3rd Ward had their primary sacrament meeting first, this morning (Sept 8) and really started it of great.  Their primary had each class answer a question that they had REALLY pondered over and learned about, and then each class shared their original testimonies on questions such as:  Who is Jesus Christ?  What have I learned from the prophets?  What do I know about the restored gospel?  It was heart warming and testimony building to hear their simple pure words of answers to these questions.

Thank you all for bearing your testimonies through your lives, your teachings, and your music as you serve in Primary.  There can be no greater call than to teach his little ones.  Our biggest responsibility in ANY calling is to bring others to Christ.  You definitely do this in your Primary meetings.  It is manifest through the lives of the children you teach.  May God bless you for what you do.

Upcoming Auxiliary Training Meeting:

10 November, 6:00 pm
Primary presidencies please come prepared to share your finest moments from Sharing or Singing Time this year.  You may bring hand-outs and visuals if you would like.  You will only have 5 minutes for your presentation.  We look forward to seeing every and will enjoy sharing.

Stake Activity Day for Girls 8-11

Last year was so much fun we are beginning plans for OCTOBER'S activity.  Watch for further details.

Penny's By The Inch

Drive begins the 15th of September.  Watch for coming information!

Stake Conference Primary Choir

·         All Primary children are invited to sing. 
·         Practice held in individual wards.
·         Prelude:  “If the Savior Stood Beside Me”
·         Opening song:  “I Love to see the Temple”
·         After singing children will sit with their families
·         Have children in seats up front by 9:45 am.

Monday, August 26, 2013

September Calendar

5 Sept - Round Table 6 pm
             Dist. Scout Committee 7 pm
             PPI with President Willes  8:15 pm
8 Sept - 3rd Ward Sacrament Meeting Program 9 am
15 Sept - Pennies by the Inch Drive Begins
22 Sept - McGill Ward Sacrament Meeting Program 9 am
24 Sept - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
28 Sept - Stake Baptism 2 pm
3 Oct. - Round Table 6 pm
             Dist. Scout Committee 7 pm
             PPI with President Willes 8:15 pm
5-6 Oct. - General Conference
12-13 Oct - Stake Conference
19 Oct - Stake Activity Day for Girls 8-11

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August Presidency Message

Summer is almost over and school begins again for many of our primary children.  For some, it begins for the first time.  School is a wonderful place but can also house some distractions that are not beneficial to our children.  Home and family are our first defenses in fighting Satan while our children are away from their fortresses.  Give your family the boost they need to maintain standards and teachings while away from your home when school begins.  Primary leaders, your calling is to support the families of the primary children.  Stress the importance of God's teachings so they will have strength to fight temptations when not at home.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and spend it with your children, your parents, your families.  Forever begins TODAY.  Don't wait!

11-Year Old Scout Camp

Don't forget to put the 11-year old scout camp on your calendar.  It is COMING SOON.  Aug 8-9

Stake Primary Choir

A Primary Choir will be singing at Stake Conference on October 20.  The children will sing the prelude song:  If the Savior Stood Beside Me and the opening song:  I Love to See the Temple.  After singing they will sit with their families.  ALL PRIMARY children are invited.  Wards will be practicing these songs.  Please have all children in their seats in the front by 9:45 am.  The Stake Presidency has asked to children to sing.  Their music will bring a wonderful spirit to our meeting.  Watch for updates in your wards.

August Calander

Aug 2 - Blood Drive 12:30
Aug 3 - Stake Baptism
Aug 9-10 - 11-year old Scout Camp
Aug 22 - Teachers back to school
Aug 28 - Students back to school

NOTICE:  There are not Scout meetings this month.  Enjoy the summer with your families instead

Monday, July 1, 2013

July & August Events

6 July - Stake Baptism 2 pm
21 July - 1st and 3rd Ward Primary Visits 
9-10 Aug - 11 Year Old Scout Camp 
18 Aug - 2nd Ward Primary Visit
20 Aug - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
 25 Aug - Garrison Branch Visit

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

July Presidency Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank  you for the work you do in Primary.  We pray daily for your health, strength, efforts, and lives as you serve the children of our stake.

This month was an historic broadcast as members all around the world viewed the "largest zone conference ever," said Elder Holland.  While it revolved around missionary work, we were told we need to apply the information and "USE" principles to help progress the gospel on the Earth.  The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve reminded us that the "Work of Salvation" was our greatest and most important calling.  Part of that great work is "help(ing) Church members grow in their testimonies of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the restored gospel."  The handbook goes on to say, "The purposes of Primary are to help children:  1.  Fell Heavenly Father's love for them.  2.  Learn and understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.  3.  Feel and recognize the influence of the Holy Ghost.  4.  Prepare to make and keep sacred covenants...Primary leaders, and Primary teachers support but do not replace parents in this responsibility" (Handbook, 2012, p. 88). 

July's Sharing Time revolves around the importance of Family in Heavenly Father's Plan.  Are there families your could influence through your primary callings this month?  Are there families your could pray for; families your could invite to primary; or families that could use extra love, support, or service?  As your Ward Primary prepares for the month of July, prayerfully consider how families could be touched through your service to come to Christ.  Elder L. Tom Perry promised us that an invitation "born of love" will never be seen as offensive, so fear not to open your mouths.  Please remember, however, as you teach to be sensitive to children who live in homes that may not have two parents, as well as inactive or part-member individuals that live within their home. 

Again, thank you for all you do!  May the Lord bless your lives and homes, we pray!

11 Year Old Scout Camp COMING!

Put the 11 Year Old Scout Camp on your calendars:  9-10 Aug, 2013!

Elk Flat Campground

More updates to come!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

CSI: Cub Scout Investigation

Watch for MORE coming news about the Cub Scout Day Camp on June 29 at the McGill Park/Pool.  The theme this year is "Cub Scout Investigation."  Scouts will participate in 45 minute stations under the direction of each unit.  Swimming will start at 4 pm and a pot luck dinner for families will begin at 5:30 pm.

Notify YOUR Cubs and their families to put this GREAT activity on their calendars!

May & June Presidency Message

Summer is coming, school will be out soon, and many families will be traveling.  During these busy summer months it is often hard to keep track of the youth in our primaries.  However, keeping in contact in today's world of modern technology is not impossible.  Email, blogs, websites, texting, phone calls, and even old fashion "snail-mail" are just a few great ways for teachers and presidencies to keep in contact with missing children.  Sending a little note saying "we missed you" is a great way to let children know you love them and are thinking of them.  By sending a short note with the week's lesson message helps children remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus love them and care for them also.

We hope you also know how much we love and appreciate all you do in your callings.  We pray for your success and happiness regularly in both your callings and in your homes.  We also testify that Heavenly Father and Jesus also love you and are pleased with your service toward His children.

Finally, we would ask all to pray for President Monson with the passing of his dear wife Francis.  Though we pray for him on a regular basis, we can ask Heavenly Father to bless him with peace and comfort.  To read a tribute to Sister Monson go to Frances B. Monson: A Gift and Blessing.

May & June Calendars

May 2 - Cub Roundtable 6 pm
              Scout District Meeting 7 pm
              PPI with President Willes 8:15
May 4 - 2nd Ward Baptism 2 pm
May 14 - Stake Council 2 pm
May 28 - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
June 1 - Stake Baptism 2 pm
June 6 - Cub Scout Roundtable 6 pm
              Scout District Committee 7 pm
              PPI with President Willes 8:15 pm
June 29 - Cub Scout Day Camp

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Presidency Message

General Conference is upon us.  Don't miss this great opportunity to listen to the prophets voice!  We have all heard the story of the woman sharing with a non-member friend her experiences of General Conference.  When the friend asked the woman what the prophet had said, the woman was at a loss.  Don't let that happen to you.  Listen to the prophet, find the special message for you through the Holy Ghost, and share your testimony of what the prophet said in your primary.

Elder Holland has promised us that, “If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you."

We testify that if you prepare to listen to conference, and listen with an open hear, the Lord will bless you with knowledge.  Thank you for sharing your testimony and knowledge with the children of our Stake.  We pray for you daily and ask the Lord's blessings to be with you, your families, and the children of your wards.

Presidency & Music Leaders put April 28 on your calendar

Auxiliary Training


It is coming!  The Stake will host its Semi-annual Auxiliary Training on April 28, 2013 at the Stake Center.  Listen to our Stake Presidency deliver a message particularly for our stake at this time. 

Primary Presidencies and Music Leaders from each ward are asked to prepare a mini-presentation of what is working in your ward for singing and sharing time.  Each ward will be given ONLY 2-5 minutes for sharing.  We learn SO MUCH from each others successes.  Bring examples, handout, or whatever you have found helpful to share.

Thank you for all you do with our Primary Children in your wards.  We look forward to seeing you and sharing with you.

DON"T MISS Stake Aaronic Priesthood Preview

April 14, 2013 at 6 pm at the Stake Center

All young men age 11, parents, Stake guests, Bishoprics, Scout Leaders, Aaronic Priesthood leaders, Primary Presidencies, Primary Teachers, and familes are invited to attend this wonderful meeting.

Young men preparing for the priesthood will learn what the priesthood means, how they can better prepare, listen to Aaronic Priesthood young men bear their testimonies, take charge of the meeting, and provide inspired guidance to prospective Priesthood holders.

Refreshments will be served!

April Calendar

4 April - Cub Scout Roundtable 6 pm
               Scout District Committee 7 pm
               PPI with President Willes 8:15 pm
6-7 April - General Conference
14 April - Stake Aaronic Priesthood Preview 6 pm
23 April - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
26 April - District Pinewood Derby 6 pm
28 April - Auxiliary Training 6 pm
4 May - 2nd Ward Baptism 2 pm
28 May - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Shine Your Special Light

Put March 15, 6:00 pm on your calendar!

The Primary is hosting their annual evening of talent for the Ely Stake Primary Children.  Your Ward Primary Presidencies have the sign up sheets so start getting ready.  Children can sing, dance, read poetry, or preform a talent that Heavenly Father has given to them. 

Everyone receives a special treat who brings their flashlight.

March Presidency Message

I will take this month's message from the recent Stake Conference.  It consisted of WONDERFUL meetings!  President Fullmer, in his talk during the Adult Session on Saturday night, summed up the previous talks by giving us some counsel.  He said:

How wonderful it is to understand God's plan for us.  He HAS a plan for all of us and we willingly accepted that plan when we left His presence.  Remembering that fact will help us keep an eternal perspective.  He read from the hymn "I'll Go Where You Want Me to go, Dear Lord" and quoted 1 Nephi 3:7.  When we go to church it needs to be more than just "going" it needs to include going, saying, doing, and being.  Let's DO sacrament and DO our meetings, and DO Sunday School.  Living the gospel is not  a single event it is a process.  He invited us all to become part of that process to become what our Heavenly Father envisioned for us in the pre-existance. 

As Primary workers we can help the young children we work with also learn to go, say, do, and be what the Lord want's them to become.  Thank you for all you do as you help Father's children learn principles necessary to bring them back home to Him.  We love you.  We pray for you.  We continually ask the Lord to bless you for your service.

Auxillary Training Meeting

Don't forget to put the Auxiliary Training Meeting on your Calender for April 28!  

Theme:  As Children of God We Answer the Savior's call to "Come Follow Me!"
The Stake Presidency will be instructing all auxiliaries during the opening session.  Primary will then meet for about 35 minutes.  After a short welcome all Ward Presidencies and Music Leaders will share ideas on what's working well in their Primaries!

So tell your Presidencies and Ward Music Leaders to start thinking!

March Calendar

Mar 2  - 3rd Ward Baptism
Mar 6 - McGill Blue & Gold 6 pm

Mar 7 - Cub Scouts Roundtable 6 pm
             Scout District Meeting 7 pm
             PPI with Pres Willis 8:15 pm
Mar 15 - Stake Primary Activity (Shine Your Special Light)
Mar 30 - 3rd Ward Baptism
Apr 4 - Cut Scout Round table 6 pm
             Scout District Committee 7 pm
             PPI with Pres Willis 8:15 pm
April 6-7 - General Conference
Apr 14 - StakeAaronic Priesthood Preview 6 pm
Apr 23 - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
Apr 26 - District Pinewood Derby 6 pm
Apr 28 - Auxiliary Training 6 pm

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

STAKE GOAL for 2013

President Fullmer has challenged each ward to a 2013 goal.  Each ward conference we were encourage to be ministers of Christ.  He encouraged us to improve in basic things we need to be doing, such as:  having personal and family prayer, regular family home evening, attending church meetings, magnifying callings, fasting, following the prompts of the Holy Ghost, and continuing scripture study.  These basics will help us with the stake goal for 2013.  He is challenging each ward to set a goal to baptize an entire ward through family history and temple work.  SO...Let's get busy and FIND those family members who are waiting!

Baptize a ward!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ward Coference Reports

We could never thank each ward enough for all the good they do for their children in Primary, but we also will never stop trying.  THANK YOU and my Heavenly Father bless you for your service!  Here are just a few outstanding things each ward is doing that we would like to share.

McGill Ward:  Once again, their ward is a wonderful example of how an entire ward works together to help one another.  To start off their block, two reverence children stand with arms folded in the front of the chapel as everyone enters for sacrament meeting.  This really sets the tone.  Finally, in when passing out talks, they don't just call on one child, they have grouped their talks by family.  This week the ______family children will give talks, prayer, and/or scripture.  It is a great way to help mom and dad remember as well as be available for ALL of their children's shining moments without missing too many of their own meetings.

1st Ward:  They were an excellent example of using the sharing time lessons while incorporating music to help children understand doctrine in both.  They truly understood and incorporated the ideas from the first presidency to help children (1) identify the doctrine, (2) encourage understanding, and (3) encourage application.  They were using the "blessings" jar as well as the "gift box" proposed in the outline and passed out by the stake. 

Lund Ward:  Their love and enthusiasm for he children's presence was evident when you enter the room.  They even had a "Love Tree."  This 3-D tree had all the children's pictures letting them all know they were loved.  They used Popsicle sticks to draw helpers names which even included visitors names so all would feel included.

2nd Ward:  Again, their love was evident.  Because of that love, the Spirit was present as the children sang and the teachers taught.  The children were treated with respect and kindness and all teachers pitched in when help was needed to calm a nervous Sun-beam, help another teacher, or help a child coloring.  Additionally, they made the effort to call EVERY child by name.  Nice JOB!

Garrison Branch:

3rd Ward:

Friday, January 4, 2013

January Presidency Message

As our new year of Sharing Time begins, we start with teaching the primary children of their relationship with their Heavenly Father.  We truly are children of God! Our new outline says "As we show love for those we teach, they become more receptive to the Spirit...You can increase your love for the children as you pray for them, get to know their interests and concerns, call them by name, and listen attentively to them."

Take the time to review the instructions from our First Presidency to (1) Identify the doctrine, (2) Encourage understanding, and (3) Encourage application.  Each lesson this year has identified these three goals with EVERY week's activities. 

Yet another thing to help the children understand their relation to their Heavenly Father is teach them to pray to him.  By opening lines of communication, children can feel the Spirit as their lives are directed.  In January's Friend President Monson tells how he learned the importance of prayer in his life.  He tells is that "as we pray daily, we will be entitled to Heavenly Father's guidance--even in...small things."

Thank you for all you do to teach and train our Heavenly Father's youngest children here on Earth.  Our prayers are for you, your primaries, and your families.

Stake Baptism Fireside

Don't forget to put the Stake Baptismal Fireside on your calendar for January 13, 6 pm

This is for all Primary children who will be turning 8 during the 2013 year.  However, EVERYONE is invited to share this special event with them including:  Stake Presidency, Bishoprics, Primary Presidencies, Primary Teachers, Activity Day Leaders, Parents, Siblings, Friends, and more. 

Come learn what baptism and confirmation are about, listen to children who have recently been baptized bear testimony of their baptism, and receive a personal Baptism Booklet to record your special day.

The Fourth Article of Faith teachers us:  We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel are:  first, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, repentance; third, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, laying on of hand for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

January Calander Events

Jan 3 - 6 pm Cub Scout Round table
            7 pm District Scout Committee
Jan 13 - McGill Ward Conference 9
               1st Ward Conference 11:00
              Stake Baptismal Fireside 6 pm
Jan 20 - Lunch Ward Coference 9
               2nd Ward Conference 1 pm
Jan 22 - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting
Jan 27 - 3rd Ward Conference 9 am
               Garrison Branch Conference 9 am