Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sept Presidency Message

 Sacrament programs are beginning.  It is wonderful to see what the children have learned through the year about being a Child of God.  3rd Ward had their primary sacrament meeting first, this morning (Sept 8) and really started it of great.  Their primary had each class answer a question that they had REALLY pondered over and learned about, and then each class shared their original testimonies on questions such as:  Who is Jesus Christ?  What have I learned from the prophets?  What do I know about the restored gospel?  It was heart warming and testimony building to hear their simple pure words of answers to these questions.

Thank you all for bearing your testimonies through your lives, your teachings, and your music as you serve in Primary.  There can be no greater call than to teach his little ones.  Our biggest responsibility in ANY calling is to bring others to Christ.  You definitely do this in your Primary meetings.  It is manifest through the lives of the children you teach.  May God bless you for what you do.

Upcoming Auxiliary Training Meeting:

10 November, 6:00 pm
Primary presidencies please come prepared to share your finest moments from Sharing or Singing Time this year.  You may bring hand-outs and visuals if you would like.  You will only have 5 minutes for your presentation.  We look forward to seeing every and will enjoy sharing.

Stake Activity Day for Girls 8-11

Last year was so much fun we are beginning plans for OCTOBER'S activity.  Watch for further details.

Penny's By The Inch

Drive begins the 15th of September.  Watch for coming information!

Stake Conference Primary Choir

·         All Primary children are invited to sing. 
·         Practice held in individual wards.
·         Prelude:  “If the Savior Stood Beside Me”
·         Opening song:  “I Love to see the Temple”
·         After singing children will sit with their families
·         Have children in seats up front by 9:45 am.

Monday, August 26, 2013

September Calendar

5 Sept - Round Table 6 pm
             Dist. Scout Committee 7 pm
             PPI with President Willes  8:15 pm
8 Sept - 3rd Ward Sacrament Meeting Program 9 am
15 Sept - Pennies by the Inch Drive Begins
22 Sept - McGill Ward Sacrament Meeting Program 9 am
24 Sept - Stake Primary Presidency Meeting 6:15 pm
28 Sept - Stake Baptism 2 pm
3 Oct. - Round Table 6 pm
             Dist. Scout Committee 7 pm
             PPI with President Willes 8:15 pm
5-6 Oct. - General Conference
12-13 Oct - Stake Conference
19 Oct - Stake Activity Day for Girls 8-11

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August Presidency Message

Summer is almost over and school begins again for many of our primary children.  For some, it begins for the first time.  School is a wonderful place but can also house some distractions that are not beneficial to our children.  Home and family are our first defenses in fighting Satan while our children are away from their fortresses.  Give your family the boost they need to maintain standards and teachings while away from your home when school begins.  Primary leaders, your calling is to support the families of the primary children.  Stress the importance of God's teachings so they will have strength to fight temptations when not at home.
Enjoy the rest of your summer and spend it with your children, your parents, your families.  Forever begins TODAY.  Don't wait!

11-Year Old Scout Camp

Don't forget to put the 11-year old scout camp on your calendar.  It is COMING SOON.  Aug 8-9

Stake Primary Choir

A Primary Choir will be singing at Stake Conference on October 20.  The children will sing the prelude song:  If the Savior Stood Beside Me and the opening song:  I Love to See the Temple.  After singing they will sit with their families.  ALL PRIMARY children are invited.  Wards will be practicing these songs.  Please have all children in their seats in the front by 9:45 am.  The Stake Presidency has asked to children to sing.  Their music will bring a wonderful spirit to our meeting.  Watch for updates in your wards.

August Calander

Aug 2 - Blood Drive 12:30
Aug 3 - Stake Baptism
Aug 9-10 - 11-year old Scout Camp
Aug 22 - Teachers back to school
Aug 28 - Students back to school

NOTICE:  There are not Scout meetings this month.  Enjoy the summer with your families instead